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Energy Waste SaaS Startup Go-To-Market in EU region


A startup specializing in predictive maintenance wanted to develop value propositions for specific industries and a go-to-market strategy for the European market.


We helped the CEO by conducting a market analysis to identify companies that were experiencing maintenance issues. We also assessed the startup's competitors and validated the growth potential for specific industries in Europe. Based on our findings, we developed three new value propositions for three specific industries (water, chemicals, and ski resorts) and advised the CEO to validate them with pilot customers in specific regions of Europe. Next, we identified three strategic partners in Europe who had access to tier 1 customers with pressing maintenance needs.


The value propositions were validated with real pilot customers in targeted regions throughout Europe, providing valuable feedback and insights for the CEO.

The predictive maintenance solution successfully predicted 90% of faults up to 6 months before failure, while also delivering an impressive 165% ROI on maintenance costs and 20% energy savings.

Following the pilot phase, we assisted the CEO in expanding the sales team within these regions. Our team recruited, trained, and mentored salespeople to ensure they could quickly add value to the organization and successfully sell the predictive maintenance solution to new customers.

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